Tag Archives: what to expect this year

New Blogging Format for 2019

Over the past several months, I have been following a set format for my blogging articles: Miscellaneous Mondays, Tuesday Newsday, Wednesday Wisdom, Thursday’s Top 10, Family Fridays, Suffering Saturdays, and Sermon Synopsis Sundays. That will all be changing starting January 1. While I will still write about many of these topics, they will not be on specific days. Nor will I be blogging on Sundays very often.  I am reserving Saturdays for recommended blog articles that I have read throughout the week.

What can you expect from my blogs in 2019? That is an excellent question. I still believe that I am finding my spot in the blogosphere, and seeking to settle nicely into an area that I am comfortable in and one in which I can be at my best. That being said…I am hoping to get out at least one book review a month and continue to write on current events while bringing in biblical principles to shed light on such matters. Occasionally, I will also be writing to expound on a Scripture passage, such as the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, a Psalm or Proverb, etc.

My plan is to continue to blog every weekday and, as I mentioned before, to recommend blogs on Saturdays and rest on Sundays. May this year be a year of happy blogging and happy reading as I do want to thank each of my readers who continue to follow, like, comment, and share.