Tag Archives: food

Top 10: Thanksgiving Foods

It’s one week until Thanksgiving and my wife is prepping to make our huge meal that we are blessed to enjoy. Today, I will list my top 10 foods we eat on Thanksgiving.

10. Turkey

As a kid, I ate the leg. As an adult, I think that’s just disgusting. After Thanksgiving we turn the extra turkey into a delightful turkey tetrazzini.

9. Pecan Pie

I won’t mention who or when, but once someone put cool whip all over the pie. Blasphemy!

8. Deviled Eggs

Or should I say, angeled eggs?

7. Scalloped Potatoes

Nothing like slices of potatoes swimming around in milk and butter. That’s good eats.

6. Corn Casserole

This was new to our feast a few years ago. I had never even heard of it until Katie made it. It’s quickly become a fave.

5. Green Bean Casserole

Gotta be careful and have some self-control with these bad boys. They call my name and if I’m not careful, soon there would be little room on my plate for anything else.

4. Dressing

Please don’t call it stuffing. Stuffing is stuffed inside a turkey and is fluffy and filled with salmonella. Dressing is dense but moist and oh so good. Down with Stovetop Stuffing.

3. Cranberry Sauce

The jelly. Not the stuff with fruit in it. It makes everything “gel”.

2. Shrimp Cocktail

Need I say more?

1. Shirley Grahams

No one outside my family tend to know what these are unless I’ve already explained it to them. But imagine having homemade fudge between two graham crackers. My mom makes them (Katie too); her name is Shirley. Hence Shirley Grahams. They are better than you could ever imagine. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas I eat dozens.

So there you go. What are your favorite Thanksgiving foods? Let me know in the comments!

Top 10: Worst Foods

Last week, I gave my Top 10: Foods, completely dedicated to what I love to eat.  I promised this week, I would give my Top 10: Worst Foods.  I will start with foods that I don’t like, but if I were at someone’s house for dinner I would eat, and work my way down to foods I would not eat, even if I were dying from starvation (my number 1 item).  These foods I have eaten before.  I’m sure there are worse foods out there that I’ve never had before, but I’m only including what I’ve eaten personally.

10. Mocha

Technically not a food, but I’m not a fan of chocolate and coffee in the way mocha comes across.  If it’s the only coffee available I’ll drink it, but I won’t be enjoying it.

9. Chocolate Mint

This one is difficult for me.  I don’t like chocolate mixed with mint.  My wife thinks I’m crazy, but I just don’t like it.  That being said, I don’t mind a York Peppermint Patty sometimes.  But don’t give me mint chocolate chip ice cream unless you want to see a puddle of green and brown goo.


Cinnamon tends to make me a bit nauseated (BTW: If someone says they are nauseous, it means they make other people sick, not that they are sick.  I am nauseated means that I am sick).  A little cinnamon is okay, but not too much.  I will eat myself a cinnamon roll, but I cannot handle a true cappuccino with the cinnamon on top.  I get pretty nauseated.  It is a love/hate relationship I have with cinnamon.

7. Strawberries

I like the taste of strawberries, but I hate (HATE) the texture.  If I go to Dairy Queen and get a banana split, I ask them to give me the syrup but leave the chunks of strawberry off the ice cream.  If they ignore my request, I will eat them, but I swallow the chunks whole.  Texture is important.


I grew up in Georgia: The Peach State.  Peaches were everywhere!  There were like a million streets in Atlanta named after a peach tree.  They were on the license plates, even a city: Peachtree City!  When I was 8 years old, my mom made me eat a fresh peach every day.  Torture!  That being said, I like peach cobbler if it is made from canned peaches (not fresh peaches).

5. Eggplant

I remember the first time I had eggplant.  It was at Sbarro’s and the eggplant parm looked and smelled delicious. I spent a few bucks and got myself a plate of it.  I took two bites and was done.  I have had eggplant cooked a different way (homemade), and it was better, but I still wasn’t a fan.

4. Carrot Cake

Seriously, guys? Why would you put a vegetable in a cake?  That’s oxymoronic; worse, it’s plain moronic.  Just say no.

3. Brussels Sprouts

My first experience eating these bad boys was at the Golden Corral (what? I wasn’t going to waste money on these things if I didn’t have to), and I loved them!  I couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about.  I figured the folks at GC just knew how to cook them.  The next time I went, I grabbed some and put them on my plate.  I took a bite and literally spit it out.  It tasted like feet (I’m only assuming what feet taste like).  Never again!

2. Boiled Okra

If you read my previous Top 10: Foods, you will notice that I mentioned some Cajun foods, but I did not mention gumbo.  Guess why.  It has okra in it.  Again, this is a texture thing.  I will eat fried okra all day long, but I cannot handle it boiled.

1. Pineapple

If you know me, this is no surprise.  I have my hunches that pineapple was the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.  I actually used to like it.  I ate it like it was going out of style, which is probably my problem today.  I have so many issues with this devil-fruit.  But my top one is that anything “Hawaiian” is really just something with pineapple.  A Hawaiian burger is just a regular burger with pineapple.  Hawaiian punch is fruit punch with pineapple juice added.  Stop with the Hawaiian stuff.  Hawaii is a beautiful place (from what I’ve heard), and there is more to Hawaii than pineapple.  Second, pineapple ruins cakes.  It just turns them completely upside down.  There’s more that I take issue with, but you’ve read long enough, and I’ve written long enough.

Runners up: Coconut and menudo and haggis (I’ve never actually had menudo or haggis, so I break my rule, but they are so nasty sounding, I will not eat them).  So how about you?  What are your least favorite foods?  Comment below and let me know.